02.- Shock therapy

I was downloading movies and tv shows back when that was the thing to do online, before streaming, before youtube, when I came across a movie called "Earthlings", I had no idea of the impact it would have on my life, so I watched it full... by the end of it I was done with eating animals. I now realize that it was some kind of shock therapy. Did not know I was going to see horrible images that would make me want to cry and throw up at the same time. I wish it had been different, I would like to tell the story of deep thinking and moral philosophy but that's how it happened, I saw a movie and it literally changed my life.

By that time I was attending broadcasting school after I had graduated from communications which meant that I thought I was unable to be influenced from any video, but I was, deeply.

I can not remember the last hamburger I had, the last steak, the last chicken soup, nothing, I just quit "cold turkey", overnight. It was the only way.

Since then I have not had any craving for meat, except for (a few times) the smell of tacos al pastor, not even grilled meat makes me salivate. But to be honest, I understand people eating animals, you can not link the slaughter of a cow to a tasty hamburger in the mind of a child. So we grow up without thinking about it.

If everytime you at eat you had to kill the animal you choose to digest, then things would be very very different.

At some point I went to the doctor and he told me I could get my nutrients from beans and such, but I think he just didn't feel the need to argue with a "crazy" person.


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