03.- Nothing with eyes

My friends were telling me I would simply die. Now I realize I didn't have to convince anyone, but, as I said before, being vegetarian was like being crazy, and in a very bad way. I was working on Cancún selling timeshare (I know, I deserve shit, if it's any consolation I did not get paid, management stole my commissions) and the topic of my food preferences would arise from time to time with clients and other salespersons, it was almost a deal breaker sometimes, you have to share a meal with someone in order to sell them thousands of dollars worth of... well to be honest just promises and a tricky binding contract in the form of a timeshare "property" so I was feeling bad enough to (on top of that) lie about something as elemental as my food choices, so from time to time I would find myself defending my "diet" in front of colleagues and clients alike. It did not last, I got out of there and moved on after I realized I was working for thieves. Then...